Internet Campaign Marketing                


If you build it, will they come?

Pay Per Click advertising

Pay per click advertising consists of ads that are written by advertisers to be triggered when certain keywords or phrases are searched on. Each time a person clicks on the ad, they are sent to the advertiser’s website, and the advertiser is charged for that “click”.

Pay per click advertising can be a VERY profitable way to increase sales and leads and should be part of every business owners’ Internet advertising campaign.

Unfortunately, managing even a small pay per click campaign can be complex and requires very specialized knowledge and experience. There are several problems that the novice advertiser runs into.
Understanding Google’s rules and tips and tricks – Google has lots of unwritten rules for how campaigns should be set up and run. These rules have a direct impact on how much you’ll pay for the advertising. These rules include:
• Keyword grouping
• Quality score
• Ad relevancy
• Click through rate management
• Bid pricing
Keyword research – Most companies have anywhere from 10 to keywords and should most likely be bidding on 1,000-3,000. The right tools and strategies can make a big difference in your campaign.
Ad testing – If you’re not split testing, you’re most likely getting only 1/2 the visitors to your site than you should be.
Conversion tracking – Most business owners don’t know how to track whether a dollar spent on advertising generated any sales. Obviously, without this information, you’re flying blind.
Tools – Having the right tools in the market to help create and manage pay per click
campaigns is critical.
Targeted sales pages – Sending all your visitors to a generic home page isn’t nearly as effective as sending them to a targeted page that tells them exactly how you can solve their particular problem.

CampaignTraffic will create a solution for your internet campaign that optimizes each and every one of these issues. See how we can make a difference for your campaign today.