Internet Campaign Marketing                


Social networking sites are the future of Internet Campaign Marketing

The good news is that the opportunities for laser-targeted advertising are becoming a reality. Want to target 18-24 year old college graduate women who are engaged? Well, you can…in Facebook. The bad news is that, with this added power, comes much added complexity. That’s why you need an internet partner who understands and can work in this dynamic and complex marketplace.

Some facts about social networking sites:

MySpace had more traffic in 2008 than Google
Already, FaceBook has reached Google traffic levels
YouTube gets twice as much traffic as Google
These sites are DOUBLING every 6 months ; FaceBook adds 1 million visitors each week
New sites like Twitter are emerging every day

In a typical month
      - 30% of worldwide Internet users visit MySpace
      - 29% visit FaceBook
      - 35% visit YouTube

It’s not just kids discussing what they’re going to wear to the prom
      - Over 50% of MySpace users are over 35
      - Facebook even has 100k users over 64

Learn how CampaignTraffic can help you start a viral campaign on the social networking sites.